In her opera Lautsprecher Arnolt (2004) Huba de Graaff decided to have most roles played by loudspeakers. Only the main character—the writer, Arnolt Bronnen (1895-1959)—is played by a human actor, Marien Jongewaard. Arnolt himself is literally a “loud speaker”, screaming … read more
The Springboard by Eric Leonardson
Eric Leonardson invented his Springboard in 1994. This instrument is an excellent example of how the simple addition of a contact microphone can create a beautiful sonic phantasmagoria out of ordinary objects. When you look at the instrument, you can … read more
Fifty years of loudspeakers and ping pong balls
Some objects seem particularly suitable for use in preparing loudspeakers. Perhaps ping pong balls were favored objects for this due to their lightness and characteristic sound. Comparing several of these set-ups reveals that—fortunately!—using a similar technology can still result in … read more
p. 149 Noting Is Real (Strawberry Fields Forever) by Alvin Lucier
Noting Is Real (Strawberry Fields Forever) (1990) by Alvin Lucier:
p. 134 Eliane Radigue
A documentation on Eliane Radigue. She mentions how she places loudspeakers in the concert hall at 10’00”:
p. 122 Music for Piano with Amplified Sonorous Vessels by Alvin Lucier
p. 69 A Letter from Schoenberg by Peter Ablinger
A Letter from Schoenberg (1996) by Peter Ablinger.
Listen first to the version without text:
And listen now to the version with text added:
p. 21 Intona by Dick Raaijmakers
Intona (1991) by Dick Raaijmakers
p. 3 Audio Ballerina’s by Benoît Maubrey
Audio Ballerina’s by Benoît Maubrey: