
Cathy van Eck

Speakers Microphones Loudspeakers Music

This site documents examples discussed in my book Between air and electricity – Microphones and loudspeakers as musical instruments. There is an open access version as well, readable online and with downloadable chapters. Although most of these pieces and performances are best experienced live, these audio and video documentations might be helpful to get a better understanding of the music. All entries related to my book (see chapter 1-5)  have been labelled with page numbers, and around 25 other examples not described in my book have been added during the last years. A table of contents helps you to find your way. You find the newest post here.

The hardcover of my book was published by Bloomsbury in February 2017. A paperback followed in 2018.

You can find more on my artistic work on my website and can contact me at cathy at cathyvaneck dot net.

You find a visual overview of new posts on works with microphones and loudspeakers below. These are additional examples to the ones mentioned in my book, all using exciting ways to manipulate microphone and loudspeaker. See the different chapters above to find audio-visual documentations of the examples analysed in my book. I would like to thank all participating artists for answering my questions and giving me extra information such as sketches or recordings of their works.

Das rote Sprachrohr by Yun Ingrid Lee
Megaphone Music I
hydrophone synthesiser by Tomoko Sauvage underwater sound
Tomoko Sauvage
Ricardo Eizirik
sandpaper amplification costume contact microphone
Moroder and Weismann
arduino supercollider microphone loudspeaker feedback
Ji Youn Kang
Jeff Snyder tactile transducer
Jeff Snyder
île flottante & Beidler
île flottante & Beidler
robot loudspeaker sound movement space
Matteo Marangoni
Genoël von Lilienstern
extreme amplification microphone brush
Aurélie Lierman
Horn loudspeaker 1925
Ralf Ehlert
prepared speaker metal rod
Kristen Roos
Huba de Graaff's opera Lautsprecher Arnolt
Huba de Graaff
Erfan Abdi in the bird cage, performing Points of Contact at STEIM.
Erfan Abdi
Vestiges of Discomposition and other works by Simon Whetham
Simon Whetham
Springboard contact microphone Eric Leonardson
Eric Leonardson
We Spoke plays Touche Nature by I-lly Cheng
I-lly Cheng
Adam Basanta performs Small Movements.
Adam Basanta
speaker dress Pauchi Sasaki
Pauchi Sasaki
tuning fork contact microphone
Oscar Bettison
Ronald Boersen
Ronald Boersen
Robin Fox and Eugene Ughetti
Fox and Ughetti
Lesley Flanigan Speaker Feedback Instruments
Lesley Flanigan
loudspeaker ping pong ball
ping pong balls
PLOrk Princeton Laptop Orchestra
Carola Bauckholt
Carola Bauckholt
Hugo Morales Murguía
Hugo Morales Murguía
Lara Stanic
Lara Stanic
Gökhan Deneç
Gökhan Deneç
Herrmann Scherchen
Hermann Scherchen
Hans W. Koch
Hans W. Koch
Ute Wassermann
Ute Wassermann