When you scream for someone’s attention you might hold both of your hands around your mouth to direct the sound waves leaving your mouth towards that person. This horn-like … read more
A hydrophone synthesiser by Tomoko Sauvage
Surrounded by 5 bowls filled with water Tomoko Sauvage’s right hand is carefully moving the … read more
Kkwaenggwari and Bambusoides by Ji Youn Kang
Ji Youn Kang (aka KANG) searches for set-ups that combine acoustic, analogue and digital instruments and devices. Her works with the Korean gong kkwaenggwari and self-built bamboo instruments are intriguing examples of such amalgams. The kkwaenggwari is a small, hand-held gong … read more
Points of Contact by Erfan Abdi
Big eyes as contact microphones, a bird cage as a loudspeaker, and two double spring objects of which one functions as a microphone and the other as a loudspeaker: this is the inventive set-up Erfan Abdi uses for his performance … read more
Touche Nature by I-lly Cheng
Vibrations of loudspeaker membranes cause air pressure waves, which our hearing system perceives as sound. As long as they are travelling through the air, these sound waves remain invisible to human … read more
Small Movements by Adam Basanta
In his set-up for Small Movements (2016), Adam Basanta uses two microphones and seven loudspeakers in different combinations to create acoustic feedback. The sound of the feedback is surprisingly “clean”: it contains not much noise, but focuses essentially on a … read more
Sound in a Jar by Ronald Boersen
In Sound in a Jar (2016) by Ronald Boersen three performers— Ronald Boersen himself, Dganit Elyakim and Hadas Pe’ery—move three different microphones back and forwards to a very small loudspeaker placed in a jar. As Ronald explained me, this piece … read more
Transducer by Robin Fox and Eugene Ughetti
In Transducer (2013), you may easily recognise all kinds of “classical” playing techniques for microphones and loudspeakers, twisted in surprising and clever ways. This results in a performance which reinvents and expands known pieces such as Steve Reich’s Pendulum Music… read more
Speaker Feedback Instruments by Lesley Flanigan
The speaker feedback instruments by Lesley Flanigan are a beautiful example of combining acoustic feedback and musical instruments. What makes the technology of these instruments exceptional is their use of so-called contact microphones (simple piezo-ceramic elements) instead of a … read more