Tonewood I (2011) and Tonewood II (2015) by Hugo Morales Murguía use small tactile transducers with corks attached to their cones. Five musicians play their instruments with these transducers. The transducers do not sound at all, as long as they … read more
Klangflug by Lara Stanic
In her performance Klangflug (2006 – 2013, several versions) Lara Stanic looks for ways to transmit the airiness and volatility of sound itself to the heavy loudspeakers, needed to produce sounds. By simulating sounds of an airplane taking off on … read more
InPutOut by Ute Wassermann
Working with a principle similar to that in Windy Gong Ute Wassermann developed a kind of loudspeaker dress through which her voice sounded (see both pictures above from 1989).
In 2015 she composed a new piece called InPutOut using these loudspeaker … read more
p. 155 desafinado by Wolfgang Heiniger
A short fragment of desafinado (2005) for soprano saxophone, snare drum and a loudspeaker inside the snare drum, composed by Wolfgang Heiniger, performed by Marcus Weiss:… read more
p. 149 Noting Is Real (Strawberry Fields Forever) by Alvin Lucier
Noting Is Real (Strawberry Fields Forever) (1990) by Alvin Lucier:
p. 125 Focused Loudspeakers by Composers Inside Electronics
p. 124 Birgit Ulher
Birgit Ulher performing with a small loudspeaker inside the trumpet mute:
p. 20 Drie Ideofonen by Dick Raaijmakers
Drie Ideofonen (1969-1973) by Dick Raaijmakers
Ideofoon 1
Ideofoon 2
Ideofoon 3